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This case study focuses on the design of "Salesman," a comprehensive Business Management Tool tailored to streamline various business processes for small to medium enterprises (SMEs). The goal was to create an intuitive platform that enables businesses to manage products, orders, tasks, and user interactions efficiently. As the designer on the project, my responsibilities included user research, creating user flows, visual design, and interaction design.

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The Problem


The challenge was to design a platform that addressed the lack of accessible and user-friendly business management solutions. SMEs often faced barriers such as complex management processes, lack of integration between different business functions, and limited visibility into operational data. The objective was to create a platform that empowers businesses, providing transparency, ease of use, and integration to foster trust and engagement.


Design Process
  1. Research and Insights: We conducted extensive research to understand the target audience, their needs, pain points, and aspirations. Through interviews, surveys, and user testing, we gained valuable insights into the challenges faced by SMEs and their operational requirements.

  2. Ideation and Concept Development: We focused on a modular design, ensuring that each business function (e.g., product management, order management, task management) could be accessed and managed independently while maintaining overall integration. Additionally, we prioritized a clean and intuitive user interface to enhance user experience and efficiency.

  3. Prototyping and Iteration: We created iterative design cycles, continuously improving the user experience based on user feedback and analytics. Prototypes were developed to validate the design decisions and gather insights into user interactions and preferences.


Design Features
  • User Flows: I designed comprehensive user flows to map out the user journey for different tasks such as managing products, tracking orders, and assigning tasks. These flows ensured a seamless and intuitive experience for users.












  • Visual Design: The visual design was crafted to be clean, modern, and professional. I used a consistent color palette, typography, and iconography to create a cohesive look and feel across the platform.













  • Interaction Design: Interactive elements were designed to be intuitive and responsive. Hover effects, button states, and transitions were carefully crafted to enhance usability and provide a delightful user experience.​​​​​



Although the project has not yet been implemented, the detailed design process and the resulting prototypes lay a solid foundation for future development. The insights gained from user research and the iterative design process have ensured that the platform addresses the needs of SMEs, providing an accessible and user-friendly solution for business management.

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