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This case study explores the design and implementation of a donation platform to simplify the process of connecting donors with charities. The goal was to create an intuitive and secure platform encouraging users to donate and track their contributions easily. As the lead designer on the project, I was responsible for creating user flows, visual design, and interaction design.

The Problem​

The primary challenge was the lack of accessible and user-friendly donation solutions. Potential donors faced barriers like complex donation processes, lack of trust, and limited visibility into the impact of their contributions. These issues led to frustration and hesitation and often deterred potential donors from completing their donations. The objective was to create a platform that simplifies the donation process, fosters trust through transparency and enhances user engagement by providing clear information about how donations are used and their impact.


Design Process
1. Research and Insights:

  • We researched extensively to understand our target audience, their needs, and their pain points. Through interviews, surveys, and user testing, we gained valuable insights into the challenges faced by potential donors and charities. This research informed our design decisions and helped us prioritize user needs.

2. Ideation and Concept Development:

  • We focused on a mobile-first design approach, ensuring the platform was simple and lightweight. Key features included a straightforward signup process, easy navigation, and clear information about charities and donation impact. We also prioritized load times and connectivity considerations, as many users access the platform via mobile data.

3. Prototyping and Iteration:

  • We created multiple design iterations, using prototypes to validate our concepts. Continuous feedback from users and stakeholders was instrumental in refining the user experience. Each iteration focused on improving usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction.

4. Implementation and Testing:

  • Working closely with developers, I provided detailed design specifications and assets to ensure accurate implementation. Regular testing and quality assurance checks addressed usability or technical issues. User feedback and analytics were continuously collected and analyzed to inform further improvements.

Results and Pilot Testing

Conducted pilot testing for the donation platform, which provided valuable insights and feedback from users. Initial responses were positive, with 85% of users finding the platform easy to use and 70% expressing increased trust in the donation process. Engagement and adoption rates were monitored, showing a 50% increase in user sign-ups and a 40% rise in donation transactions during the pilot phase, indicating promising potential for the platform's success.

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